See the Light

This article is in collaboration with See the Light. Many homeschooling moms feel pretty incompetent when it comes to teaching things like fine arts.  “If I can’t draw a stick figure, how can I teach art?” they may ask. See the Light is a new possibility for such moms.  Their tagline, “Drawing Children to Him” … Read more

Growing Healthy Homes Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Growing Healthy Homes. The TOS Homeschool Crew is excited to welcome Growing Healthy Homes back for a second voyage. Last year, the Crew voted Nutrition 101: Choose Life! as the best e-product of the year. This year, the Crew again had the chance to review this 448-page multi-generational product.  … Read more

All About Reading Reviews

This article is in collaboration with All About Reading. The Homeschool Review Crew has had the opportunity to review a few products from All About Learning in the past.  Crew members reviewed All About Spelling two years ago and last year.  We reviewed All About Homophones.  And we reviewed two readers, the Beehive Reader (now … Read more

Zeezok Publishing – Z-Guide to the Movies Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Zeezok Publishing. Many of our Crewmates needed to watch a movie as part of today’s review.  It’s a hard life, but somebody’s got to do it! Zeezok Publishing sent each Crew member one title from their Z-Guide to the Movies line of products. Just what is a Z-Guide?  For … Read more

Classical Academic Press Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Classical Academic Press. When someone mentions the Classical Christian Education movement in homeschooling, what first springs to your mind? Often the sheer mention of classical education brings images of one room schoolhouses in which children chant and recite seemingly endless math and grammar facts, plus Latin conjugations and declensions. … Read more

A Division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine