Some folks have a school room. Others school in the dining room, living room, or maybe all over the house, as I know our family has done for many years. Just like homeschooling styles and philosophies, you can bet that there are so many various ways that homeschoolers organize and set up a place for learning. This week, we asked our TOS Crew Members where they are having school time and how they keep it organized and prevent the spread of books and learning materials all over the entire house. I encourage you to visit each of their links below and please leave a comment or two. We hope you enjoy this week’s Cruise!
Betty @ Peace Creek on the Prairie discusses Our Homeschool Area~Homey Homeschool.
Debbie @ Debbie’s Digest says We Live In Our School.
Heather @ Blessings Pour Out writes Our Home, Our Schoolroom.
Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to join us next week when TOS Crewmates share their favorite subject to teach!
This post was written by First Mate Jodi from The Homeschool Desk.
We are spring cleaning now. I want a place for everything; I’ll be reading these posts for some helpful tips.
All of these posts were great reading
I didn’t make it to post on this topic this week but here is one I did at the beginning of the school year.