This week we asked our TOS Homeschool Crew members whether they give grades, or not? And of course, why they feel the way they do. We had fifteen ladies share their thoughts on giving grades in the homeschool. Some who do grade, some who don’t, and some who only give grades for high school.
Check out what they had to say:
~ TOS Heidi from Reviews and Reflections – To Grade Or Not To Grade
~ Heidi from Chatter, Clatter, And Things That Matter – When Should You Give Homeschool Grades?
~ Lisa from The Berry Patch – I’m Supposed To Give Grades?
~ Angie from Minivan Moments – Do I Grade My Homeschooled Kids?
~ Katie at Katie’s Homeschool Cottage – Do Homeschoolers Need Grades?
~ Debbie at Debbie’s Digest – A B C D F
Next Tuesday, the Blog Cruise will be answering the question, “How Do You Organize Your Homeschool Space?” Come back and see what they ladies have to say then. Hopefully there will be lots of ideas and pictures we can all learn from.
This Blog Cruise article was prepared by April E. of ElCloud Homeschool.
Thank you ladies for taking the time to share your thoughts and experience with us! I really appreciate it!
Hi Jodi
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