When homeschoolers are looking for resources to use with their children, who else do they turn to, but other homeschoolers! Homeschool friends can be our best resource to finding the best of the best to teach and encourage our children. Our TOS Crew Members offer a wealth of information as always, as they answer this week’s Blog Cruise question, What are your favorite resources for the ages and grades that you are teaching? I encourage you to visit their blogs and kindly leave a comment or two! We hope you enjoy this week’s Cruise!
Debra @ Footprints in the Butter shares These are a few of my favorite things.
Mrs. Taffy @ My Life on a Taffy Pull talks about A few of my favorite things!
Rodna @ Training Children up for Christ shares, My must have resources for homeschooling.
Christine @ Our Homeschool Reviews talks about My favorite resources.
Debbie @ Debbie’s Digest shares Beloved, Cherished, Esteemed, Treasured, Precious Resources.
Erin @ Delighting in His Richness writes Loving It!
Lis @ Acorns ~ Or Homeschooling Nuggets of Gold answers the question, What do we LOVE to use? (Pre-K, 5th, and Middle School).
Tess @ Circling Through This Life says, Let’s talk Language Arts.
Isabelle aka Canadianladybug @ Life at Oak Grove has “My favourite homeschool resources”.
Be sure to stop back next week when TOS Crew Members will answer the question, How do you do Nature Studies where YOU live?
This article was written and compiled by Jodi who blogs at The Homeschool Desk.