Overcoming Homeschool Burnout

Homeschool Burnout is a very real companion to many homeschooling Mothers.  The constant fatigue coupled with thoughts of doubt cut many a successful homeschool parents journey short.  Does it need to be this way? In short the answer is no it does not.  What is the secret to successfully homeschooling and staying strong? What is … Read more

ABCs of Homeschooling Essentials

We asked our crew to come and share their own personal Essentials for Homeschooling. Starting on the 30th of April,  26 homeschool Mothers from the crew will be sharing words of encouragement, and personal essentials for your homeschool. Two posts will publish each week on Thursday and Saturday through the end of July. Be sure … Read more

Butterflies, Birds and Frogs: Nature Study for Your Homeschool

Nature Study (Noun) is the practical study of plants, animals and natural phenomena as a school subject. It is also a very popular subject among home educating families.  Today the Schoolhouse Review Crew would like to share some of their resources with you. “Knowledge in one “subject” helps us to understand another. All the information … Read more

A Division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine