This article is in collaboration with The Adventum.
The Adventum’s mission is “to provide Biblically-based, Christ-centered audio adventures that entertain, educate and strengthen the faith of Christian families.” They offer a Bible story series that will engage the entire family! Produced by Wise King Media, The Adventum is an adventure audiobook that will bring the Bible to life as professional actors dramatize the story with exciting background music and sound effects.
What is The Adventum?
The Adventum is not an audio Bible; instead, it is a chronological audio dramatization of Bible stories. Much like watching a full-scale church play, this Bible story series draws the listener in by making the stories come to life realistically.

The Adventum has three objectives:
- Identify with Bible heroes of the past- real people with real struggles- much like us.
- Stir the imagination and create a deep sense of wonder about the stories of the Bible.
- Ignite a hunger to study God’s Word with these audio Bible stories.
Currently, The Adventum offers four volumes.
Audio Bible Stories
Volume 1:
From Creation to the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, all the way to the life of Abraham, Volume 1 tells these stories in such a way that focuses on God’s perfect plan of redemption from the very beginning.
Volume 2:
From Isaac giving his blessing to Jacob to God appointing Moses to save the children of Israel, Volume 2 is packed with more exciting adventures, all pointing to God’s eternal love for His people.

Volume 3:
The plagues brought upon Israel to Moses receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, Volume 3 highlights God’s miracles and the nurturing of His chosen people even as they wandered away from Him.
Volume 4:
As Joshua takes over the responsibility of leading the people of Israel, this volume highlights God’s faithfulness to provide along the way.
In addition to these audio dramatizations, the Adventum has a blog that contains Faith Lessons that go along with each volume. They include key points highlighting the audio Bible stories introduced and the Scriptures.

Important Things To Know
- Each volume is approximately 4 hours of listening time.
- This Bible story series can be purchased as physical CDs or digital downloads. Download instructions are provided.
- Listening samples are available for each volume on their website (
- Each volume can be purchased individually or as a 4-volume set.
- Scriptures are quoted from either the NKJV or NIV.
- The voice of God is always quoted verbatim from Scripture.
The Adventum Volume 1 is currently discounted by 50% and you can get free shipping in the US by using the code: advcrew22.
Special thanks to Kristi from Bailey’s Homeschool Adventure for writing this introductory article.
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