Rookie Rescuer: Teaching Students about God and First Responders

This article is in collaboration with Rookie Rescuer. Learn about God and First Responder work.

From a young age, children are often fascinated by the lights and sounds of fire trucks and other emergency vehicles. Rookie Rescuer: Learning about God and “First Responder” Work through Real Calls will engage that interest and teach students about the work of first responders and God.

What is Rookie Rescuer?

Rookie Rescuer is a 137-page workbook designed for second through sixth-grade students. The book includes an introduction, twelve chapters, field trips ideas, and several other resources at the end of the book. The colorful pages include engaging artistic illustrations of various equipment and an adorable fire dog.

Rookie Rescuer was written by Tommy Neiman and illustrated by John McDavitt. Neiman was a career firefighter and paramedic who founded Sirens for the Cross ministry. In this book, he combines these two experiences to teach students about emergency services and God. McDavitt is an illustrator and pastor who has worked in product development and publishing.

Rookie Rescuer: Teaching Students about God and First Responders

Each chapter includes a Bible verse, a set of vocabulary words, a story from the author’s time in emergency services, a detailed explanation of the vocabulary words, a worksheet about the emergency services lesson, a Biblical tie-in to the story, and a worksheet about that component.

In those twelve chapters, students learn about many components of emergency services, including the different types of first responders, water rescues, ambulance equipment, the importance of giving the right-of-way to emergency vehicles, brush fires, medical equipment, firefighter equipment, and much more.

Extra Resources

While certainly not required to enjoy the book, there are three suggested field trips included. These trips will help students better understand what they have learned and see real-life examples of the different equipment.

Additionally, the book contains several pages that discuss the Biblical “Roman Road” and a sinner’s prayer that parents could use with their children.

Finally, the end of the book contains a certificate of completion and an answer key.

Rookie Rescuer: Teaching Students about God and First Responders

How Do You Use Rookie Rescuer?

Students who are independent readers could work through this workbook on their own. The pages are easy to understand; students can read the stories and answer the questions independently. However, the book could also easily work for family learning. Parents could read the stories aloud and discuss the questions accompanying each chapter. Each chapter would take between fifteen and twenty minutes to complete.

Rookie Rescuer could also work in a group setting to help children learn more about first responders. Each child would purchase his/her own workbook, and the group would work through it together. Then, students could go on the three included field trips together.

Where Do I Find Out More?

Overall, this book provides an engaging format for students to learn practical information about first responders and emergency situations while also learning Biblical truths and how God works through those first responders. Go to the Rookie Rescuer site to find out more and purchase your copy of Rookie Rescuer: Learning about God and “First Responder” Work through Real Calls.

inside the Rookie Rescuer Book Author

Dawn is a passionate follower of Jesus, wife to Chris, and homeschool mom of four (soon to be five). In her spare time, she loves to read, hike, and write on her blog Schoolin’ Swag. She enjoys talking about curriculum and helping moms find the right fit for their family.

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