Study. Learn. Set Goals. (Victus Study Skills System Review)

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Do you regularly learn new things? Do you set goals and plan out projects? All these study skills are things you probably use throughout your life. But even if you do them, would you know how to TEACH them?

Victus Logo

The Victus Study Skills System was created to help students of all ages learn how to study, learn and set goals. In Latin, Victus means “way of life” and rather than teaching isolated study skills such as note-taking and planning, Victus aims to teach the skills together to form a plan that will serve them for life.

The Victus Study Skills System helps the student think about where they are, what they want and how they are going to get there. By thinking about where they are, they begin to know thyself as they learn about planning concepts and learning styles. In where they are going, students learn the importance of goal setting, planning & using calendars. In getting there, they learn various methods for learning such as reading for information, test taking, note taking & organization.

The Victus Study Skills System can be used for all ages, from ages 4 and up, but are best suited for 5th-12th graders. For younger students, the skills are obviously very teacher intensive and mostly an introduction to the concepts. For 8-10 year olds, they should be able to work through the work book while being taught. There is also a DIY workbook intended for older students to be able to teach themselves these skills.

Victus book covers

You can find the Victus Study Skills System folks on Facebook – and Twitter – @VictusStudy

The Schoolhouse Review Crew received the Teacher’s Edition and the Student Workbook of the Victus Study Skills System to facilitate our reviews. Also available for purchase are the Student DIY Workbook, a Classroom Video and a PowerPoint Presentation.

A big thank you to Jen of Happy Little Homemaker for writing this introductory post.

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