If you’re like many homeschool moms, you know that you’d like to add music appreciation to your home, but you aren’t sure how to do it. I’m happy to share with you today 5 Easy ways to add Music Appreciation to your Homeschool!
Two of the following are a type of curriculum, one is a free website, and the other two are free resources.
1. YouTube. What an amazing resource YouTube is! Yes, we do have to remain vigilant about it as there can be some unsavory videos uploaded there. Just be sure to stay with your kids or give them specific links to watch. One amazing thing that will help you in teaching music appreciation is that for many composers people have created “playlists” for them. You can just search for a composer, like Mozart, Beethoven, Puccini, or Bach and you’ll see a long playlist of some of their “greatest hits.” One of my favorite features about using YouTube is that there are often recorded live performances that you can watch. It’s so much more enjoyable for kids to watch the music being played. Here’s a great performance of John Philip Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever.”
2. Classical music station in your car. Here’s an easy one! If you have a classical station in your town, put it in your radio presets and listen to it when you’re driving around with your kids. The DJs will usually announce what’s being played. If listening to classical music is hard for your crowd, just listen to 5 minutes at a time. Hopefully it will grow on everyone!
3. Classics for Kids. Oh, I love this website! They have a “Composer of the Month” which has a once-a-week podcast to listen to, specifically for kids! There are composer bios, fun worksheets, and online games as well. Check out the website and see what all they have to offer–for free!
4. SQUILT stands for Super Quiet Uninterrupted Listening Time. It’s a downloadable curriculum developed by Mary Prather. There are 3 volumes available so far, with 10 lessons in each. Each volume costs $9.99. You’ll get worksheets to explain about the composers, musical pieces, and concepts to learn. There is nothing else to buy– all music is linked to on YouTube! I really like how kids are learning focused listening skills with SQUILT. It can be used in a variety of ways– at home or in a co-op; do it all in 10 weeks, spread it throughout one semester or even the whole year!
So, now you see that music appreciation isn’t so scary! Use one or more of the above “Easy” ways to add some music appreciation to your homeschool this year!
Gena Mayo is a homeschooling mother of 8, ages 13 down to 2. She has been married to the love of her life for 16 years and blogs about homeschooling, homemaking, and family life at I Choose Joy! Follow along at Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter for some great reviews and giveaways, too!
Thank you for the SQUILT mention, Gena. I appreciate you!
You are very welcome Mary