
You’ve just found something new and exciting from The Old Schoolhouse®: HomeschoolingFinds.com. At The Old Schoolhouse®, we’re all homeschoolers, and we love connecting the homeschool community. Many thanks to our friends from the former Homeschool Review Crew for providing years of homeschool product evaluations. Keep watching as friends old and new add more and more to HomeschoolingFinds.com. We love spreading the word about homeschool products we’ve found that may serve other families well. HomeschoolingFinds.com is your destination for reliable information on products and resources you can use in your own homeschool. We’ve already collected years of product evaluations by other homeschoolers for you to search, but this site is growing as we continue to find innovative ways to serve homeschooling families and companies.

Keep coming back as we build HomeschoolingFinds.com with our new Homeschool Influencer Network—that’s a team we’re forming made up of content creators and influencers. If you love a good homeschool product and can’t keep quiet about it, you might be just who The Old Schoolhouse® is looking for. Recruitment is happening for the NEW Homeschool Influencer Network. Right now, we’re calling homeschool content creators, influencers and evaluators. If you snap high-res shots, write strong testimonials or would like to write product evaluations, apply for the NEW Homeschool Influencer Network from The Old Schoolhouse®. Reel makers are needed too, so if you homeschool and have an active Instagram account, let us know. We supply products; you supply creatives. Learn more and apply: https://bit.ly/ApplyTOSNetwork.

Recent Articles and Evaluations

Canadian Historical Fiction Authors

Reading books by historical fiction authors can open doors to opportunities for learning. These books can introduce you and your children to key dates, historical figures, important geographical locations, and unique writing styles. Read about several Canadian historical fiction authors in this special guest post at HomeschoolingFinds.com.

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YWAM—Youth With a Mission

Are you yearning for a way to give back to the world? Youth With a Mission (YWAM) offers individuals a chance to make Jesus known throughout the world. Learn more about the Discipleship Training School and Child-Friendly Training centers in a special guest post on HomeschoolingFinds.com.

Continue Reading YWAM—Youth With a Mission

Music Throughout History

Music is an important and enjoyable part of most people’s everyday lives. We listen to it to worship the Lord, to accompany us in certain tasks and activities, and to give us a reason to dance and move! Over the years, music has been a part of the human experience and that experience has been compiled in a high school SchoolhouseTeachers.com course Music Throughout History.

Continue Reading Music Throughout History

The Old Schoolhouse® is actively forming a team of content creators and influencers to spread the word about homeschool products and services. Intrigued? Learn more and apply: https://bit.ly/ApplyTOSNetwork.

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