UltraKey {Bytes of Learning Reviews}

UltraKey Bytes of Learning
The skill of typing is even more important in today’s online world, and that’s why The Homeschool Review Crew is excited to be given to opportunity to learn to type or increase speed and accuracy of touch typing on a keyboard with UltraKey Online Family Subscription from Bytes of Learning. UltraKey from Bytes of Learning is an online typing tutorial that teaches proper posture and finger positions along with 12 lessons, meant to be taken in 20-minute graphical animated segments for ages 8 through adult.

UltraKey Online Family Edition
UltraKey Online from Bytes of Learning presents lessons that are self-paced with challenge levels and practice options. The lessons build from learning letters, to letter chains, then words, and finally sentences with skill tests and posture tips along with stretch breaks throughout. You set a goal for yourself or take an assessment to have it set for you. Before you can move on, you must pass a skill test. Before starting the lessons, you must watch the posture movies and fingers movies to make sure your technique is accurate.

UltraKey Online Family Edition
UltraKey Online requires no plug-ins and conforms to HTML5 and www3 standards. It operates on every major browser and on every computing platform, even iPads with a keyboard or Chromebooks. The Homeschool Review Crew was given a one-year subscription that provided up to seven users. The family subscription allows homeschool parents to manage the use of the program and generate certificates. Once the basics are in place, the exciting new Game Zone provides typing fun, developing reading and writing skills, and improving typing fluency.

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A big thank you to Tere Scott of Puddle Jumping for writing this introductory post.

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