TouchMath is a multisensory program that was born from one educator’s experience in the classroom with kids struggling to connect the concrete (3 of an object in front of them) to the abstract (the written number 3.) She created numerals that have counting points (“TouchPoints”) on them corresponding with the number being learned, so the student can feel one raised bump for each count needed to reach the number being learned.
Counting becomes key for learning in TouchMath. Through the physical act of touching the TouchPoints and the verbal act of counting, the child begins to not only grasp the abstract symbols of numbers but also can begin to do all basic manipulations with them.
TouchMath is available for pre-K through 2nd grade. Each level has a teacher guide as well as student pages for learning. Individual units have 6 modules with a total of 90 printable student pages. Pricing for each unit is $59.95 as a downloadable product with a discount for an entire year’s 4 unit program ($199.95.)
The program can be enhanced with the use of different manipulatives such as 3-D Numerals, Texture Cards and TouchShapes.
TouchMath Pre-K Homeschool
The The pre-K level is one unit with several different topics covered (listed below) which set the foundation for learning math.
- Counting and Number Sense
- Comparing and Classifying
- Sorting, Classifying, Graphing and Patterning
- Identifying, Sorting and Classifying 2-D shapes
- Identifying, Sorting and Classifying 3-D shapes and coins
- Representing Quantities and Shapes
TouchMath Kindergarten Homeschool edition
The Kindergarten level has 4 individual units, as listed below, which reinforces the initial learning of the abstract use of numerals and moves into basic manipulations.
- Unit A: Counting, Adding and Subtracting Within 5
- Unit B: Adding and Subtracting within 9
- Unit C: Understanding Numbers 1 through 20
- Unit D: Measurement, Data and Geometry
TouchMath First Grade Homeschool Edition
The first grade level builds upon the previous year in 4 individual units.
- Unit A: Adding and Subtracting Within 5
- Unit B: Adding and Subtracting Within 20
- Unit C: Adding and Subtracting Within 100
- Unit D: Measurement, Time, Data and Geometry
TouchMath Second Grade Homeschool Edition
With a firm foundation under their belts from earlier levels, student using this grade level move forward with their basic math skills.
- Unit A: Adding and Subtracting Within 50
- Unit B: Adding and Subtracting Within 100
- Unit C: Adding and Subtracting Within 1000
- Unit D: Time, Money, Measurement,Data and Geometry
You can read more about the how and why of TouchMath to see if this program would be a good fit in your homeschool. Also,each grade level page offers a few sample pages for download.

A big thank you to Laura of Day by Day in Our World for writing this introductory post.
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