The most effective way to learn a foreign language is to actually use that language in day-to-day life. Most of us can’t just pick up our families and move to another country for language immersion, so products that help you replicate that environment into your home are extremely helpful to homeschoolers. Spanish for You! was created especially for mixed-age groups in the 3rd-8th grade range. Students learn to write, read, and speak Spanish through materials appropriate for their age, while providing plenty of opportunity for practice communicating.
Two full-year programs centered around topic areas, Fiestas (Celebrations) and Estaciones (Seasons), are currently available. Reviewers have been using Spanish for You! with their families, and are ready to share their experiences. Spanish for You! is centered around themes, rather than levels, allowing parents to choose packages based on interest, rather than level of experience. A third theme, Viajes (Travels), is available right now as a short trial program; the complete package will debut in June 2013.
Each Spanish for You! package has been tested by the author, over a full school year, in a teaching environment. This has allowed her to check for consistent quality and usability. Spanish for You! incorporates a variety of learning styles, with workbook pages, audio files, and suggestions for interactive learning and communication.
All Spanish for You! programs include a soft-cover textbook, plus multiple downloads that include:
Lesson Guides include plans for 4-days per week, but it’s flexible enough that more or less material may be covered, so long as the lessons are worked through in order.
- a 24-to-30 week lesson guide in PDF format (grades 3-4 is 30 weeks; grades 5-6 and 7-8 are 24 weeks) – Sample lesson guide
- self-checking worksheets for grades 3-4, 5-6, or 7-8 in PDF format – Sample worksheets
- MP3 files of the entire book to use as the lesson guide instructs
- bonus MP3 files of a native Spanish speaker reading the entire book
- pictures for creating flashcards and other activities in PDF format
Spanish for You! has free mini lessons and free worksheets so that you can preview their style and approach. Also provided for free are many activity and game suggestions for practicing Spanish.

Hi, I clicked the link to the free mini lessons but got an error message instead. Could you take a look at it please? Thanks! ~ Mary
Thank you! The link has been fixed. We appreciate you letting us know!
Wow, thank you very much for sharing such interesting and useful tips for learning Spanish. I am sure that this strategy for learning Spanish is suitable not only for children, but also for adults who need to learn Spanish at a basic level. I hope that you will continue to make this type of content.