Our 2021 Homeschool Review Crew has been given access to the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership at SchoolhouseTeachers.com. They have been enjoying the site’s flexibility, where they have been able to build their own curriculum or use the information found in the Scope and Sequence to put a subject or grade together for their families.
SchoolhouseTeachers.com provides you with all the tools you will need to educate your family all in one place. Whether you are a veteran home educator or just starting, you will find what you need. Your entire family will gain access to the extensive library of resources containing over 475 courses covering preschool through to graduating high school.

What is SchoolhouseTeachers.com?
It’s the curriculum site of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. Currently offering classes for preschool through high school as well as several courses for parents.
Courses vary in length and intensity, from a few weeks to a full year or more. Academic weighting for transcripts of many high school classes is included.
None of the classes are live, giving you the added benefit of commencing any of the courses at any time of the year. Classes are taught in an assortment of formats.
SchoolhouseTeachers.com empowers you and your children to work at your own pace, be on the same page and discover together!

What does your Membership include?
One price covers the Entire Family. No Textbooks to Buy.
- World Book Online access
- 100’s of videos on demand
- 475+ online courses: PreK – High School
- School Boxes(Curriculum Boxes) – A full year of Curriculum for any grade fully prepared for you.
- Scope and Sequence
- Record keeping
- Schedule Builder
- High School Help
- Special Needs Support
- Just for Parents portal
- Special member benefits
- Learning Centers
- Media-Rich, Printable, and Hands-on resources.
- Interactive Content.
- No Limits on classes.
- Literacy Center
- Report Card Generator.
- College & Career Planning
- Private Community Members Forum.
- High School credit and transcript support.
- NO textbooks to Buy.
JOIN NOW! One membership price, either by month or year, covers every person in the family.
Have more questions? Take a look through their comprehensive FAQ section.
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