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Do you have a middle school or high school student that would like to learn more about personal finance? For the past few weeks, the Homeschool Review Crew has had the opportunity to use the Budgeting Game, Stock Market Game, and integrated curriculum from These resources are geared towards students in grades 7-12. They teach lessons on finances through fun games.

The Budgeting Game consists of scenarios where your student will get a job, pay bills, and learn how to budget with the money they are making. It will take them through a virtual year and they will see what life may be like when they are out in the world. It is a one-player game and takes about 20 minutes per “month” to play.

The Stock Market game will allow your student to purchase and sell “stocks” as they learn all about the stock market. They will be able to research companies as they make their choices on what stocks are best. You as their parent will give them an allotted amount of money to use in their game.

Personal Finance Games
A unique aspect of these games is that you can set up a competition for many students if you are willing to buy a license to do so. This will give your students incentives as they compete to do well.
With over 300 lessons, activities and quizzes, this program can count for many classes such as economics, math, money management and personal finance. The teacher has full control of the lessons and games. The integrated curriculum is a plus as well. Rather it is one student or a whole class, they will be learning all about real finances. As a parent, you can request a demo to give you more of a look into their programs.
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Click below to read the reviews from the members of the Homeschool Review Crew that had the opportunity to use the above product in their homes over the past few weeks.
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