Homeschool organization is something that is easier for some and not so for others. Some of us are stressed being unorganized and others thrive on being flexible. Today the Homeschool Review Crew would like to share some tips and insights they have on organizing your homeschool.
Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses shares
- Homeschool & Home Management – Recommended resources.
- House Cleaning and Home School ? Yes it’s possible but do consider the season you are in. Here are some tips for you.
- What about Homeschool Planning? – There are a few things to consider when you are planning your homeschool. Here are some tips for you.
- A Little Word on Homeschool Record Keeping – Some homeschoolers wonder whether record keeping is worth while and others are plagued by a deep fear of being checked up on which drives them to keep reams and reams of records. Record keeping during homeschooling does not need to be fear driven or brushed aside I think a healthy balance somewhere in between is a good place to be.
Jeniffer @ Thou Shall Not Whine shares
- How to Make a Meal Plan – Making a meal plan is my number one time saver as a homeschool mom. Learn how to do it and grab some free planning sheets, too!
- How to Organize Daily Curriculum with a School Cart – Having a school cart means we can conveniently take our supplies and curriculum anywhere in the house. Check out the video and see if the school cart method is for you!
- The Benefits of Routine and Habit Filled Days – Cultivating good habits and routines can change your life. These simple steps will get you going in the right direction.
- 3 Steps to Create New Habit – Creating new habits doesn’t have to be hard. Follow these 3 simple steps to get started and grab the free printable to help keep you accountable.
Dawn @ Schoolin’ Swag – Homeschool Organization: A Work in Progress – Our organization is a work in progress as life brings changes, but there are a few simple things we have done that made a big difference in our organization.
Jenny @ Our Inconvenient Family shares Keeping It All Together – How do we keep homeschool organization from becoming a stumbling block to our success?
Linda @ Apron Strings & other things shares Organizing Our School Room Using Everyday Items – Organizing school supplies does not have to cost a lot of money. With a creative eye and a little forethought you will find many things around your home that will help you get organized.
Diana @ Homeschool Review shares Organizing for Year End – This is the end of an era for me. I’m organizing to go a different direction.
Amy @ NeededInTheHome shares
- Homeschool Lesson Planners – As a mom of seven and after homeschooling for 13 years, there are a few paper homeschool lesson planners that I like to use the best and here they are.
- A Day In The Life Of A Mom Of Seven Kids – A peek into a blogging, large family, homeschool mom’s life and her schedule, including times, to see how she fits it all in.
- How To Resell Children’s Items – If you are organizing your home and can’t decide what to do with the kids and homeschooling items, here is a great article to tell you where to resell them to make money so you can buy newer items.
Kristen @ A Mom’s Quest to Teach shares Top 5 Suggestions for Best Organizing Your Homeschool Materials – Are you an organized person? Perhaps you are looking for some new ways to organize your homeschool materials? In this post, A Mom’s Quest to Teach shares our top 5 organizational methods.
Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break shares
- End of Year Organizing – We’re staring down the end of the school year, and our focus may be on getting the final chapters and assignments completed, but there are a few other end of year tasks that need to be checked off the list too. Most of them involve organization.
- Organizing and Record-Keeping – How I use an online record-keeping system for all my homeschool records
- Getting My Homeschool Organized – Organization is a constant challenge for me throughout our home, including my homeschooling records and supplies. My organizational style is more Creative Piling than Tidy Filing, but my goal is to find a better balance – something more like Creative Filing.
Annette @ A Net in Time shares
- Organize Your Lego – Organizing your Lego makes it more enjoyable to play and it takes less time to complete projects.
- The Joy of Plastic Bins – Using bins to keep your homeschooling supplies organized.
- Organize Your Books – Having a system to organize your books makes it really easy to everyone to find the books that they need.
- Organizing your Homeschool Supplies – Tape and pencils and paper oh my! Let’s keep it organized, just simplify!
Kari @ Ranching with Kids shares
- How I Organize Our Homeschool Room – An overview of what our homeschool room looks like.
- Tips to Reduce Paper Clutter in Your Homeschool – We all use lots of paper when we are homeschooling. Here is how I try to limit the amount that we use and keep.
Kemi @ Homemaking Organized shares
- 6 Ways to Organize Your Homeschool Days – A roundup of how other homeschoolers plan their homeschool days.
- 10 Real Homeschool Rooms to Inspire You – A roundup of real homeschool rooms where work is getting done!
- 6 Things You Don’t Want to Forget While Preparing for Your Homeschool Year – Just some simple things to keep in mind while preparing for your new homeschool year.
- Various Ways to Organize Your Homeschool Records – A look at some ways to organize your homeschool records.
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