This article is in collaboration with Memoria Press.
A family-run publishing company, Memoria Press strives to provide quality classical Christian educational resources to homeschooling families and private schools. Memoria Press desires to cultivate wisdom and virtue through their educational materials.

Recently, the Homeschool Review Crew had the opportunity to integrate a variety of Memoria Press Literature Guides into their homeschool days. Literature is a core subject in a classical education, as studying quality books helps students gain a better understanding of Western Christian culture. These guides make it simple for you to introduce your children to a choice selection of books and authors.
With literature guides for students in first through tenth grade, Crew members were able to select from the following:
- StoryTime Treasures Student Guide and Answer Key and More StoryTime Treasures Student Guide and Answer Key
- Second Grade Literature Guide Set
- Third Grade Literature Guide Set
- Fourth Grade Literature Guide Set
- Fifth Grade Literature Guide Set
- Sixth Grade Literature Guide Set
- Seventh Grade Literature Guide Set
- Eighth Grade Literature Guide Set
- Ninth Grade Literature Guide Set
- Tenth Grade Literature Guide Set
These guides dive deep into each story, helping your child discover more about the characters they encounter. Each set contains the guides for several different books. For each book, there is a Student Study Guide and a Teacher’s Guide. The Teacher’s Guide helps you guide your student on their study of literature. It also contains the answers.

StoryTime Treasures and More StoryTime Treasures
Designed for first graders who are ready to start reading books, students can build a solid literary appreciation with these two sets.
StoryTime Treasures contains literature guides for the following books:
- Little Bear
- Frog and Toad are Friends
- Caps for Sale
- Make Way for Ducklings
More StoryTime Treasures contains literature guides for the following books:
- Billy and Blaze
- Blaze and the Forest Fire
- The Story About Ping
- Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie
- Stone Soup
- The Little House
- Miss Rumphius
Each book is intended to take about three weeks, giving your child time to dive deep into the literature.

Second Grade Literature Guide Set
Students in second grade will become superior readers as they develop their vocabulary, spelling skills, and comprehension as they work through the following books:
- Prairie School
- Courage of Sarah Noble
- Little House in the Big Woods
- Tales from Beatrix Potter
- Animal Folk Tales of America
For second grade through tenth grade, each book will take students 6-7 weeks.

Third Grade Literature Guide Set
Third grade students will learn to be active readers instead of passive ones as they dive into these books:
- A Bear Called Paddington
- Charlotte’s Web
- Farmer Boy
- Mr. Popper’s Penguins

Fourth Grade Literature Guide Set
The fourth grade literature guide sets include comprehension questions that challenge students to think critically about what they have read. Students will engage in higher level thinking skills as they read:
- The Cricket in Times Square
- Homer Price
- Dangerous Journey
- Blue Fairy Book

Fifth Grade Literature Guide Set
Students in the fifth grade will continue to build their vocabulary skills while reading:
- Heidi
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
- Lassie Come-Home

Sixth Grade Literature Guide Set
In sixth grade, students learn more about composition as they read:
- Adam of the Road
- Robin Hood
- Door in the Wall

Seventh Grade Literature Guide Set
Seventh grade students will be challenged to think as they actively read:
- Anne of Green Gables
- The Hobbit
- Trojan War
- Bronze Bow

Eighth Grade Literature Guide Set
Students in eight grade will continue to build their spelling and comprehension skills as they study:
- Wind in the Willows
- Tom Sawyer
- Treasure Island
- As You Like It

Ninth Grade Literature Guide Set
As students begin their first year of high school, the study of quality literature is imperative. In this grade, students will focus on Old English and Medieval works as they think in rigorous and complex ways while reading:
- Beowulf
- Sir Gawain & the Green Knight
- Canterbury Tales
- Henry V

Tenth Grade Literature Guide Set
The Upper School literature guides for tenth grade features essay prompts for students. They are guided into determining the Central One Idea for each story they read. As they read, think, and write, they will gain wisdom and virtue. In tenth grade, students will read:
- Scarlet Letter
- Julius Caesar
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Romeo & Juliet
In the upper grades, guides include extensive vocabulary training, Socratic discussion questions, literary and rhetorical devices, and more to help students prepare for future AP Literature or college coursework.

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Thanks to Lisa of Maggie’s Milk for writing this introduction article.

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