Let’s get real. Homeschooling can be HARD.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed, unqualified and just plan worn out. And from what I can see just about every other homeschool mom on social media is rocking it!
Their days are fantastically ordered. Their children are eating healthy, organic meals and darning their own socks. Everyone can spout off whole books of the Bible and are at least 3 grades ahead in math.
Meanwhile, I’m still in my pajamas…wondering how many nights I can get away with pizza delivery . Our Long Division lesson has quickly taken a trip south and I can’t remember the last time I actually brought out that geography book.
Pressures can come from so many directions. Family, friends, society….not to mention ourselves.
But here is the honest truth. We have to be true to the path God has placed us on. We have to be faithful to the calling of homeschooling He’s put in our lives. We have to stop looking to the right and to the left (or social media) and make our homeschooling journey uniquely ours.
If you are feeling just a bit overwhelmed and are just seconds from calling it a day and sending everybody back to bed, here are just a few words to think on.
When you feel inadequate…
Guess what! It’s when we feel inadequate that we can let God take over. He’s MORE than able to make up where we feel lacking. If you feel like you need some more training or education, follow the example of some our more famous self-educated forefathers. LEARN! Read, listen to podcasts and seek advice from seasoned and respected homeschool parents. Most importantly, PRAY! Ask God to give you wisdom concerning your homeschool.
When you feel overwhelmed…
If you are feeling as if the world around you is spinning far too quickly, it might be a good time to just stop. Start instituting quiet times for yourself during the day. Take care of your physical health; as well as your spiritual health. Practice saying “no” to commitments that will take you from your priorities. Don’t fall into the trap that you are acting selfishly. You are merely choosing wisdom.
When you feel like you’re failing…
We have to stop comparing ourselves and our children to everyone around us. The beauty of homeschooling is that we can follow a path uniquely fitted our family and our children. Take your burden to the Lord. Let Him convict and challenge where need be. If there is some place in your life that needs correcting, give it to Him. Remember this….Greater is He who is in you than He that is in the world. Rely on His strength.
When you feel you don’t know where to start…
You have come to right place! All week long, we (the Review Crew members) have been sharing our favorite tips and tricks. Sit down with a cup of tea and a notebook. Spend some time reading through the posts pertaining to the areas you might have questions about. Write down those things you think might help you in your own homeschool. And this is the important part…don’t just leave those nuggets of wisdom in your notebook. Try implementing them in your own homeschool. Even if it is just one thing at a time.
Today, the TOS Crew is taking on the subject of Encouragement. I ENCOURAGE you to spend some time soaking in all of sound advice, words of wisdom and blessings that are about to come your way. These mommas (and daddies) have been where you are. Be encouraged!
Rebekah Teague is the homeschooling mama to one busy and beautiful boy. She is married to The Muffin who is a pastor and a really great guy. In her spare time she can be found with a book and a cup of tea. She blogs at There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining.

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