Do you struggle with incorporating Art into your homeschool?
Brenda Ellis, artist and homeschooling parent, makes quality art instruction and projects accessible to every family through ARTistic Pursuits.

Pursuits provided Schoolhouse Review Crew members with one of the following books:
Sculpture Technique: Construct – an introduction to the world of sculpting.
Sculpture Technique: Model – instruction in modeling methods.
The Way They See It (Preschool) – teaches the stages of artistic development in your child as well as how to nurture awareness of the world.
Early Elementary K-3, Book 1: Introduction to the Visual Arts – introducing the fundamental principles of the visual arts.Early Elementary K-3, Book 2: Stories of Artists and Their Art – focuses on the lives of artists and their impact on the world.Early Elementary K-3, Book 3: Modern Painting and Sculpture – explores why modern art looks so different from earlier works.Elementary 4-5, Book 1: The Elements of Art and Composition – for students who want to draw more realistically but don’t know where to start. Elementary 4-5, Book 2: Color and Composition – for students who want to make works in color, starting with the color wheel.
There are a total of thirteen books available, ranging from pre-school through high school, including courses that can be counted towards a high school credit in art. These books are sequential and non-consumable, meaning they are a one- time homeschooling purchase that will give you years of artistic instruction.
ARTistic Pursuits’ books are comb-bound. This is extremely handy as the book lie flat when in use, meaning you can be doing art, while referring to the lesson. Each of the books features units, broken down in to lessons that focus on a particular element of art while developing your students technical ability. Full color photos are included, as well as line drawings, featured artists information and materials lists.
Find ARTistic Pursuits on Facebook!
A big thank you to Lisa of Golden Grasses for writing this introductory post.