Happy New Year from the Schoolhouse Review Crew!
On the first day of 2013, we thought we’d take few moments of your time to share our thoughts about 2012. From homeschool successes and challenges, to fun reviews, and just life in general, we faced many challenges and received many blessings in this past year. So come along as we share them with you. And if you feel so led, feel free to join in the conversation in the comments below, and tell us about your blessings and challenges of 2012, too!
Anne Marie G. @ Future Flying Saucers — Treasures of 2012
The toys have been put away. The leftover food stashed in the fridge. A soccer ball placed in the garage and the doll stroller parked in the closet. The house was still. And I smiled.
Bethany H. @ Little Homeschool Blessings — Of 2012: So What Did We Do Anyway
We have had a year full of joy and learning and blessings.
Chareen R. @ Every Bed of Roses — A Year of His Abundant Blessings
What an absolutely amazing year we have had. We have experienced a depth and breadth of blessing that I am still trying to wrap my mind around. We have seen over 7 000 km of Australian country side, experienced Hong Kong and rested in Southern Africa.
Laura L. @ Loving and Learning on the High Plains — 2012 By the Numbers
We can hardly believe how the year has flown, and have innumerable blessings to count as we look around us, but here are 12 numbers that might sum it up.
Leah C. @ As We Walk Along the Road — What Did We Do in 2012?
I love the fading of one year into another. It’s leaving the old year and turning over a blank page- so much potential, so much possibility. I like to look through the passing year and see what we did and think about what the new year holds.
Heather A. @ Only Passionate Curiosity — 2012: A Year of Dreams
I’ve daydreamed my way into this life more times than I can count, but somehow this year, I was able to live all those big dreams.
Holly O. @ Possibilities and Peas — Looking Back
We are living in a season of change. That definitely reflected in our lives and in this blog. Here is a brief look back – in pictures.
Lisa M. @ Chickens, Bunnies, and Homeschool — 2012: Flashback Field Trips
Come reminisce with us on a photo tour of our 2012 field trips.
Carey C. @ enCouragement — Looking Back at 2012
Standing at the stove, preparing Christmas dinner, it suddenly occurred to me that we had spent Christmas in six different homes in the last six years. But we’ve always been together, and we’ve always had warmth and love to spare.
Melissa E. @ Little connections add up to a lotta’ life — Looking Back at 2012
Assessing 2012: The year of the Big Move and when my 13 yo vegetarian son started eating meat.
Lisa N. @ Golden Grasses — A Very Good Year: 2012 Review
What went right in 2012? Home-school, house re-build, reading, writing, curriculum.
Brandy B. @ Kingdom Academy — Where We’ve Been
I guess when I look back on 2012 that’s what is most apparent to me. God’s hand being active in our everyday life.
Debbie I. @ Children Grow. Children Explore. Children Learn — A Year of Growth 2012
We enjoyed a warm dry summer and had so much fun spending as much time as possible outside exploring our new home. Since we moved last year, this was really the first full Summer we had to see everything our new home offered.
Cristi S. @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm — 2012 in a Dozen Pictures
Cristi dug through thousands of digital pictures to find twelve special snapshots to best represent what her busy family has been doing over the past year.
Rebecca T. @ There Will Be a $5 Charge for Whining — Looking Back: My Lessons for Life — Homeschool Style
Don’t be afraid to slice an onion or two. Translation: We all know that life can be kind of messy sometimes. And it can even make you cry. Don’t be afraid to learn something new…even if you are afraid it might cause you a little grief along the way.
Kristi K. @ The Potter’s Hand Academy — 2012 in the Rearview Mirror
Happy New Year everyone!! Well, with 2012 officially in the rear view mirror, and 2013 in the headlights, I thought it might be a good idea to sit down, take an honest, objective look, and write down a lessons learned for 2012.
Renita K. @ Krazy Kuehner Days — Roller Coaster 2012
Our life is a daily roller coaster. Enjoy a picture view of our year.
Susan A. @ Homeschooling Hearts and Minds — Our Wrap-up for 2012
Everyone has a story to tell. This past year is just a little piece of ours, and it’s full of all kinds of good stuff, including some things I’d forgotten about.
Beth B. @ Ozark Ramblings — Counting on Co-ops: a look back
With a semester of co-op under our belts I present some positives and negatives of the experience.
Jen R. @ Our Journey — Remembering Our 2012
Showers, wedding, Mickey and fireworks galore. We had a fun and exciting 2012! Come take a look back with us.
Lori S. @ Special Connection Homeschool — 2012: A Year of Significant Events
It’s that time of year where we all take one last back before we embrace the new year before us. As I did this myself in preparation for this Blog Cruise I could not help but notice that this was a pretty significant year for Gess.
Sara P. @ Embracing Destiny — 2012: The Year in Focus
I chose “focus” for my word of the year last year. I felt that I was being pulled in many different directions and had no clear idea of what I had accomplished, what I needed to accomplish, and where I was going with it all. I wanted to focus on my priorities and what really mattered, letting the other stuff go and learning to say no when I was overwhelmed . . .
Annette V. @ A Net in Time — Homeschooling and Flexibility
The fun of looking back and thinking about why we do what we do and what has changed over the year.
Courtney L. @ The Classical Circus — Life: Check
Reducing life to a series of boxes to be checked off is joy-robbing and it’s not God-glorifying.
Karen W. @ Tots and Me — 2012 Year in Review
2012 has gone by so fast. As this year comes to a close I believe our school time is slowly being organized, we are all doing well health wise, mommy has gotten closer to being able to deal with four children and I am trying to bring my blog back to what it was meant to be.
Wendy R. @ Life at Rossmont — Looking Back Over the Year at Rossmont
Here at Rossmont, it’s been a year of some pretty big changes and events!
Jacquelin C. @ A Stable Beginning — Twenty Twelve in a Nutshell
From visits from Grandma and Cousin Danielle, graduations, state championships, and field trips with friends it was a joy filled year!
Sarah J. @ delivering grace — Lessons from home education in 2012
2012 marked our third anniversary of home education. I hope my children have learned something but what have I learned this year.
Tracey M. @ A Learning Journey — A Photographic Walk Down Memory Lane: Our Look Back at Year 2012
Now is the time of year when I look back at the past 12 months and dig through old photos; it’s a time for me to reflect, re-evaluate, and remember significant, life-changing, and candid events in our life. As I reminisce the occurrences and re-evaluate our life choices in 2012, I embark on an amazing yet teary-eyed trip down memory lane.
Tess H. @ Circling Through This Life — Looking Back at 2012
Through it all though, we’ve had the opportunity to witness God’s hand in providing for our every need. We’ve found the “blessings in disguise” and have learned not to take things like dishwashers and transportation for granted.
Michelle G. @ Michelle Gills Blog — 2012: A Look Back at Our Year
2012 brought our family lots of blessings. We learned a lot, loved a lot and have many memories to hold us close together. Nick and I are so excited to see what 2013 brings!
Lexi H. @ Lextin Academy — Rear View Mirror
Bye bye 2012! It’s time for a new year but I’ll take a quick peek in my rear view mirror before I welcome 2013 . . .
Nicole H. @ Ever After . . . My Way — Looking Back at an Eventful 2012
This was a big year for us. Lots of little things happened in our lives, but really a few big things stand out for this year.
Diana M. @ Homeschool Review — 2012: Looking Back Over Our Year
2012 has been a long year. But it went so fast. How does that work?
Dana L. @ Luv N’ Lambert Life — Our 2012 Review
I can only hope as we head into the new year, that next year will be as good to us as this one has been. Our lives have been so blessed throughout this past year. I’m hoping to accomplish much in 2013, all while watching my babies grow even more.
Lisa B. @ Home to 4 Kiddos — 2012: A Look Back
Much has happened; memories have been made, lessons have been learned, love has been shared.
Jennifer M. @ a glimpse of our life — Reflecting
For the first time ever, I’m planning to join a group on a foreign mission trip in 2013. My passport has arrived and reservations are made.
Christa D. @ Fairfield Corner Academy — Looking Back at 2012
My kiddos are growing up. They are becoming so much more mature and responsible. They are wonderful helpers and have huge hearts – they give all they can to the community and those in need. I started this way so you would know why I am saying 2012 was a wonderful year!
Cariann M. @ Unionvale Homeschool — 2012 A Few of Our Favorite Things
2012 has been a crazy year. I thought I would share a few of our favorite things.
Amanda S. @ Our Heart and Home — Looking Back
Today I am “Looking Back to 2012″. And while this year started off really rough with constant illness and ER trips, it ended much better.
Kayla A. @ The Arrowood Zoo — Looking Back 2012
This year has been wonderfully blessed. The Lord always shows up in everything and it’s wonderful to look back and see it all.
Marcy C. @ Ben and Me — A Month-by-Month Look Back at 2012
I can’t believe the year 2012 is already gone! It’s been a year full of trials, reflections, and blessings for sure. And because it’s always interesting to take a look back at our lives for the past year, I thought I would do the same for my blog.
thanks for your work in pulling this together.
good to see the thoughts of so many people.
What a great list! I didn’t link up but made my list of The Best of 2012: Reviews.
great posts. it seems that i am not on the list but i also made a post, hope you can drop by at http://www.mommyjourney.com/2012/12/life-lessons-this-2012.html thanks! happy new year!