The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks Virtual World Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Wiglington and Wenks.

Wiglington and Wenks  is a children’s story book series by John Bittleston that has been turned into a Virtual World intended to help 7-14 year old’s interact with history, geography, landmarks, inventions, nature, wildlife, the environment, and more.

The virtual world promotes the spirit of traveling and exploration.  Each traveler creates a virtual character who can travel to locations on every continent except Antarctica.   Learning more about history and geography helps the traveler open up more locations or find more items.

Along the way, the traveler can interact with a diverse group of people — from Beethoven to Chief Joseph, from Genghis Khan to St. Patrick.  The game sends them on a quest to locate and help these historical figures.

The travelers also have a chance to play games, design an island, dress up in costumes from many cultures, and interact with kids from around the world.

You start your child in Wiglington & Wenks by setting up a free account.   You can then upgrade to a paid subscription — or not.  The paid subscription makes your child an Elite Quest Traveler, which opens up more locations, games, and ‘stuff’ to interact with.

There are two videos that can be accessed on the main page of the website that will show you what I’ve tried to explain.

TOS Homeschool Crew Members received a 1 month subscription as Elite Quest Travelers.  Check the links below to read their opinions on this virtual world.

***Special thanks to Crew Mate Debra for writing this introductory article.

6 thoughts on “The Travels of Wiglington and Wenks Virtual World Reviews”

  1. Families looking for an online game should definitely check out Wiglington and Wenks to see if it meets their standards. It is non-violent, fun, interesting, and slightly educational.

    Those looking for a purely educational program, will probably need to go elsewhere.

    Annie Kate

  2. I'll admit that I have a few video game addicts in the house. They've tried some of the big virtual games out there that appeal to boys (e.g. Runescape). But, I have not been comfortable with the younger ones playing alongside older kids and adults. Having another option is great for us, especially with an educational twist.

    Laura O at


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