Printable Activities for Every Subject!

This article is in collaboration with Super Teachers Worksheets.

Worksheets are a fantastic way to supplement a child’s learning, but looking for quality worksheets can be a daunting and exhausting task. Super Teachers Worksheets provides a vast array of printable activities for students in PreK thru Grade 5. Becoming a member of Super Teachers Worksheets offers complete access to worksheets available and unlimited downloads. In addition, new worksheets such as games, flashcards, and teaching tools are added frequently, making this a must-have resource.

Printable Activities for Every Subject!

What Kinds of Worksheets?

The Super Teachers Worksheets site is organized by the following subjects/learning areas:

  • Math – There are worksheets that cover topics such as basic addition to beginning algebra and geometry. Super Teacher Worksheets has several solve the riddle and secret picture pages that use math to solve the page for parents looking for ways to keep math fun. 
  • Reading Comprehension – For parents and teachers looking to work on poetry, rhyming, fiction, or non-fiction articles, several printable activities will build reading comprehension skills using questions, vocabulary, and writing prompts (Grades 1-6).
  • Phonics – There are many options for children working on letter sounds, word families, blends, or sight words. Children can make alphabet crowns, mini books, or complete puzzles as they learn phonics skills. 
  • Early Literacy – Super Teacher Worksheets helps children learn the alphabet, build sentences, learn sight words, and more! They make learning fun with various mini books, word family units, flashcards, puzzles, and already-made bingo games! 
  • Grammar – Learn the different parts of speech and sentence structure by diagraming a sentence. These worksheets cover grades 1-6 as they vary in difficulty. 
  • Spelling List – There are spelling lists available for Grades 1-5. The number of spelling words varies amongst the grade levels. Parents can choose various worksheets within the spelling unit, such as putting the words in alphabetical order, using them in a sentence, word search, a word scramble, and more. 
  • Reading and Writing – This section provides writing prompts, dictionary skills, and handwriting templates. Teachers and parents can print out practice sheets for cursive handwriting as well as a template to write a friendly letter. 
  • Chapter Books – Super Teacher Worksheets offers over twenty units for popular chapter books! Activities include whole book questions or multiple chapters, vocabulary cards, word search, and art activities. 
Printable activities for chapter books
  • Science – Students can learn about animal groups, the human body, the solar system, and much more! There are also great units on the life cycles of a frog, butterflies, and mealworms. 
  • Social Studies -While learning about the United States government and history is essential; however, it can be hard to find engaging resources. Super Teacher Worksheets has printable activities for government branches, the American Revolution, and the Presidents. There are also geography resources available.
  • PreK and Kindergarten – Find resources from sight words, letter tracing, scissor skills, and early math skills. There are also activities for some popular young children’s books. 
  • Holidays – For parents looking for fun activities covering major holidays, Super Teacher has those. Some holiday printables include Pi Day and the birthday of Dr. Seuss. In addition, children will enjoy games and activities for the seasons and different events such as “back to school,” the 100th day of school, and the Olympics. 
Printable activities for math

Super Teacher Worksheets offers many printable activities available on their website. They even make it easy to keep favorites handy with the My Filing Cabinet feature. This feature allows a parent or teacher to organize worksheets into files. Parents can name files for a specific child, grade, subject, or semester. Teachers or parents can use this tool when looking through the site and find a worksheet but are not quite ready to print it out. 

Parent and Educator Printable Activities

Super Teacher Worksheets offers a wide variety of parent/educator tools. One available feature is the worksheet generator. Parents and teachers can create their own math problems, spelling lists, bingo games, word searches, flashcards, quizzes, and more! This tool is a time saver for the busy educator. In addition, parents can print off certificates and awards for their child or charts to encourage a skill or task. 

Super Teacher Worksheets helps parents take the guesswork out of finding quality, fun, and engaging printable activities for children PreK-Grade 5.

Special thanks to Yvonne B. from yvonne_thelifewebuild for writing this introductory article. 

Printable Activities for Every Subject!

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