Post-High School Options for Homeschoolers

Now that your high schooler is nearing the end of their homeschooling, what is the next step? How do you find a college, university, or post-high school program that aligns with your worldview? The Old Schoolhouse® has a resource to help you and your children find a post-high school experience that will suit your needs. The Homeschool College Directory provides resources to help you explore all the options available. 

Graduating homeschoolers have a wide range of options to choose from for their post-high school education. Colleges and universities are eagerly recruiting homeschoolers for their campuses. But how do you know which schools to research or visit? With the information shared at the Homeschool College Directory, you can narrow down your search. 

Among the colleges, universities, and other post-high school resources available are a few that our members of The Old Schoolhouse® have had personal experience with. We are going to hear from two families who have experience with two of our directory listings. 

Cedarville University Post-High School Experience 

Sheila Chairvolotti, the Business Analytics Team Manager at The Old Schoolhouse®, and her family shared their experience with Cedarville University. All three of her children attend or attended Cedarville. Her oldest graduated with a degree in Computer Science/Cybersecurity while her middle child just graduated in 2024 in Mechanical Engineering. Her youngest finished her sophomore year studying Civil Engineering in 2024. While they may live about twelve hours away, they are so happy to have them there. “They are learning in a Christ-honoring setting, their professors are believers who care about the students, and the students grow spiritually as well as academically,” Sheila shared. 

Question: What influenced the decision to pick Cedarville? 

Answer: There were a lot of factors. The primary one is that it is a Christian college with a strong mission of helping students grow spiritually. Another great thing is that they have a great engineering school, and they are a center of excellence in cybersecurity. 

Question: What has been your favorite part as a parent of a Cedarville student? 

Answer: As a parent I love that Christian values and beliefs are integrated into every aspect of their time at college. They are receiving an excellent education, forming great relationships, learning how to see things in light of Scripture, and preparing for a future as a Christian adult who will be productive and responsible.

Question: What has been your favorite part as a student? 

Answer: Sheila’s daughter shared that her “favorite part is the people, the professors, and chapel.”

student at Cedarville University

Are you thinking about a Christian College for a post-high school experience for your children? 

Question: What should parents know about picking a Christian college? What questions should they be ready to ask? 

Answer: I love that there is chapel every day at Cedarville and it is required. I think some things to look at when picking a Christian college is the statement of faith and the community standards—make sure that they are Biblically based and that you agree with them. It is also important to see how vocal the leadership and students are about Christianity, and that it is a part of everything. I will add that strong academics are important as well.

Question: What is one piece of advice you would share with parents of children getting ready to attend college? 

Answer: It’s really hard to let them go, especially so far away. I have to constantly remind myself that this was the goal of helping them grow up! I think it’s okay to be sad, but not to dwell on it. Let your student know that you love them and are proud of them . . . and that grades are not everything

Post-High School Options for Homeschoolers

ALERT Academy Post-High School Experience 

Misty Thomas, a senior sales representative at The Old Schoolhouse®, shared about her family’s experience with ALERT Academy. According to their website, “ALERT utilizes a military-style structure, intentional discipleship, unique experiences, and professional skills training to create an environment that facilitates the forging process.”

Question: What influenced the decision to pick ALERT Academy? 

Answer: ALERT is Christian-based and focuses on discipleship, leadership training, and a servant mindset. Also, we had met many gentlemen who had graduated from ALERT and were impressed with their commitment to Christ, their maturity, and their initiative.

Question: What would you say as a parent has been the most beneficial part of your children attending The ALERT Academy?  

Answer: As a parent, I would say the most beneficial part for our sons has been growing in their walk with the Lord, obtaining skills, and serving others.

Question: What has been your favorite experience as a participant of ALERT Academy?

Answer: One son said, “It shows your true self and is a safe environment to learn and grow in your walk with the Lord and in your relationships with others. Also, the training here is top notch. My favorite part is the brotherhood. The camaraderie here is unrivaled. To this day, I keep in touch with multiple guys as we encourage each other and enjoy like-minded fellowship.”

“My favorite part of ALERT is the camaraderie and friendships I’ve built here. It has benefited me in giving me the tools and mindset to serve. I have also grown much closer with Jesus during my time at the Academy,” another son replied.

Our third son said, “My favorite part as a student at ALERT has been the camaraderie with the guys here. Getting to go through hard things together has made and strengthened a lot of relationships. The brotherhood at ALERT is such a real thing that is not confined to just a few guys, but includes all the ALERT alumni. It is amazing the connection a person can have with someone who went through the program thirty years ago!

“The experience I have had at ALERT has benefited me in many ways. One way has been the constant reminder of our need for the Gospel. When this truly impacts our life, everything else that we do is affected by it. Another way ALERT has benefited me has been through the professional skills training that is combined with discipleship. It is a one-of-a-kind environment that seeks to forge men who influence their world for Christ. I am grateful that I have been a part of the forging process here at ALERT. The skills, experiences, ideas, and friends I have made here have all been tremendously worth it.

If you are a young man who isn’t content where he is in life and wants to know more about God and know God more, plus all the vocational training ALERT provides, ALERT may be a good option for you! Whether you give nine weeks or nine months of your life to come to ALERT, that is just a small fraction of your life that is being spent doing something worthwhile: pursuing Christ in service to others.”

Are you seeking a post-high school experience that isn’t college?

Question: What should parents know about The ALERT Academy? What questions should they be ready to ask?


  • It is a Christian-based, non-denominational program for young men ages seventeen and older. Because of the diverseness of participants, your sons will be exposed to values which may differ from those taught in your home.
  • They need to know the challenging aspect of the program. ALERT utilizes a military-style structure, which includes intense physical training during the First Phase of the program.
  • There is a Scholarship fund available for students to apply for financial aid if needed.
  • Many questions can be answered on the ALERT website such as the training schedule, cost, and Third Phase training options.

Question: When searching for a post-high school experience for your children, what were the factors in making the decision to choose The ALERT Academy?

Answer: Misty shared, “Our sons enrolled in dual enrollment courses through their high school years and earned an Associates Degree so ALERT was a great fit for them to pursue other things outside of academics and gain important skills. The Lord may lead them to continue their college education, but if not they have received a good balance of academics and skills at this time in their lives.”

Post-High School Experiences

If you would like to research other options available to you and your children after homeschool graduation, the Homeschool College Directory is a wonderful place to start! Misty shared in her interview that parents should “ask the Lord what He has [in mind] for your children. College may be the path for some, the work force for others, and something totally different for others. Each person is made differently, and God has given each one certain strengths and talents—so seek Him for each step of your life.” Author

This article has been written by Kristen Heider. She is the Business Building Team Manager of The Old Schoolhouse® and the Social Media Manager of She shares more about her family’s homeschooling journey at A Mom’s Quest Teach.

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