Discussion Book Series and A Boy and His Dog Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Kayla Jarmon.

As parents, we will encounter challenging topics we have to discuss with our children. Even if we are comfortable with the topic, we may wonder how to do approach it. This could be as easy as how important a pet is in our lives or more difficult like the loss of a family member.

The books from Kayla Jarmon do just this. They take these types of topics and help you start the discussion through a story.

Kayla is a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend in Christ. She inherited a love of storytelling which is now evident in her burgeoning collection of books geared for Christian families. Having homeschooled her own boys, she has a heart for other homeschool families, too.

For this review, Crew received digital copies of her three books: A Boy and His Dog, Dying is Part of This World, and Don’t Forget Me.

About the Books by Kayla Jarmon

A Boy and His Dog
Boys never outgrow their love of dogs. In fact, men often turn into boys at heart with them.

This story shows you a day in the life of a young boy and his beloved dog. Together they do all the fun things a young boy and dog can enjoy.

Don’t Forget Me
(First in the Discussion Book Series)
Don’t Forget Me imagines a conversation between God and the Baby through pregnancy and birth.
This title reminds us that God is the author and giver of life. Don’t Forget Me makes a perfect gift for expectant parents and siblings!

Dying Is Part of This World
(Second in the Discussion Book Series)
Death is part of our life cycle. We are all born and we will all die. Yet, people struggle with this topic, whether fear of dying or fear of losing a loved one.
This title has you follow a conversation with a mom and child about the fear of death. Scripture references and discussion questions are present to provoke great conversations and prayer. With God’s knowledge and wisdom, you can overcome the fear of death.

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Thank you to Laura O. from Day by Day in Our World for writing this introductory article.

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