This past year has been full of frustrations for both myself and my children. We have grown weary of following the curriculum; I dare say we lost our vision for a time. The Bible tells us that we have been set free, but we haven’t really felt that for a while now.
The Bible has a lot to say about how we are to train our children. I have spent a lot of time this year praying and studying this very thing.
One morning I clearly heard the Lord’s still small voice say to me, “be still and know that I am Lord.”
I am not the Lord of my life. I am not the Lord of my children’s lives. Only He is Lord. Of all.
I often said this, I knew it, but in my head and not in my heart. I had to accept and embrace the fact that i am not in control.
And it’s okay because the one who made all things IS and He knows best.
He tells us to come, to follow Him and He will give us rest. We only need to come to Him. Yet how often we do the exact opposite.
We fall into the world’s belief, that our kids need to know this and that like the other kids their age. We buy program after program; we struggle and force them through subject and materials without considering what God’s will might be for them to know.
We are supposed to be Kingdom living. We have so many amazing promises, we have the authority and power of Christ in us.
I’ve been so many things we are in the world but not of the world. We are a peculiar people. He tells us we won’t look or do things the way everyone else does. We are set apart heart for the good works He created us to do for His glory.
So what does that look like in a home that is living for His Kingdom?
We ask before all else, what is your will Lord for this child? A d then we are still and we wait because we know that it is His way and His time that is always right.
Perhaps it is a child who studies and memorizes the Word of God. A child who learns to draw and make music, singing to the Lord. Whatever it may be, we have faith a d we know that they have been thoroughly furnished for every good work.
My oldest son recently completed my program certifying him as a teacher of the Bible. He is now working with our assistant pastor, his mentor, on his very first sermon to prevent before the youth of our church.
We put the Bible first. After all we are told to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness; if we do this one thing all else will be given to us.
There is such value that comes from giving your children the freedom to be who God created them to be. When they are motivated from within to do good works, they will do those hard things and do them well. Because God is on their side.
Jesus taught his disciples through example. He walked with them, talked with them, prayed for them. We just need to live for Him with a our heart, mind, soul and strength. Our children will do the same if we are faithful be wise the Word of God does not return void.
Be patient. Be faithful. Trust in he Lord with all your heart; do not lean on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Our God is so faithful! His love and mercy are never ending. As we train up our children let us keep His way in our hearts. Perfect love casts out fear so do not fear but know that God loves the more and He has a perfect plan He is working in them. In due season we will be fruitful if we faint not.
Thank you Jennifer K from A “Peace” of Mind for this blog post.
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