For many parents, homeschooling their children is their “Dream Job”. But what if we didn’t homeschool? What would be our dream job? It’s fun to fantasize of what else we might be, or maybe could be someday when our children are grown and graduated from homeschool. This week, we asked TOS Crew Members to share their “Other than Homeschooling Dream Jobs”. I encourage you to click through the links below and enjoy this week’s Cruise!
April @ Heartfelt Homeschooling writes April Dreams of Something Different?
Doreen @ Our Homeschool Ohana shares Dream a Little Dream For Me…
Debbie @ Debbie’s Digest asks Dream Job??? What if…
Christine @ Our Homeschool Reviews writes What if…
Debra @ Footprints in the Butter asks What Would I Be?
Kellyann @ Walking Home details Dreams of Yesterday, Today, and the Future.
Rodna @ Training Children up for Christ writes Living My Dream.
We hope you enjoy this week’s Cruise! Be sure to stop back next week when the TOS Crewmates answer the question, “How to instill a moral work ethic in your children, discouraging shortcuts, and or cheating?”
This post was written by First Mate Jodi who blogs at The Homeschool Desk.
Awesome cruise. But I must say if not for homeschooling my dream job would be architecture. Particularly designing smaller homes. I love trying to eek out every corner into something useful.
I am fortunate enough to combine homeschooling with my dream job of educational consulting and coaching. I am able to apply my knowledge from educational publishing and help so many homeschool parents – its very rewarding.