Homeschool High School Graduates

Homeschool High School Graduates Homeschooling Finds brought to you by The Old Schoolhouse® with photograph of young man picking a career

For many homeschooling families, the thought of homeschooling a high schooler and graduation brings many questions. How do I homeschool high school? Will my homeschooled high school graduate have the required knowledge and skills to attend college or enter the workforce? What do homeschool high school graduates do anyway?  Every homeschool family is unique—that is … Read more

Examining the Socialization Myth

Examining the Socialization Myth Homeschooling Finds brought to you by The Old Schoolhouse® with photograph of four young children outdoors

There are several questions that non-homeschoolers often ask homeschooling families, including, “What do you do about socialization?” They might not always use the word socialization, but non-homeschoolers are eager to learn how we, as homeschoolers, ensure that our children will be able to function in society. Opinions about homeschooling are formed based on popular culture … Read more

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