Work it in Wednesday

Just how do you do it all when you Home School?  The short answer is: No we can not.  The longer answer is I think I’ve been asked this question almost as much as the dreaded question of socialization!  As a veteran home educator of 20 years, I have walked through the valleys of Homeschool Burnout and at times the loneliness of homeschooling older children and this has all been intermingled with the high times of success and achievement. I am constantly amazed at how each of us have been endowed with gifts and abilities that are unique to us and our experience.  Trying to do every single thing that you feel you “should” be doing is a dangerous trap along this journey.  There are so many trends and the age of computing has opened up so many avenues to make us feel guilty of what we are not doing within our schools (not to mention Pinterest.  Although this can be a great service when you need an idea).

The truth be told for many of us we will bring guilt and shame upon ourselves if we embark on this journey and think we have to do EVERYTHING!  There will be seasons where we may need to reach out and ask for help, we may need to make use of a co-op or employ a tutor to help our students.  The best thing we can do for ourselves is take time to re-evaluate, grow and change with our children and realise that at times we will need to go outside of ourselves and be a part of the wider community in order to succeed.  We need to lean into our strengths fully and delegate needs in our weaker areas and know that this does not mean we have failed.

Charlotte Mason advised the teacher to replenish her soul with a continual supply of ideas. …stimulates your educational thought in many directions and keeps you from drifting into mere routine… Do not think this is a selfish thing to do, because the advantage does not end with yourself.”

5 Tips to Empower you to Do it All

  1. As you walk along this journey of home education I would encourage you to consider adding in a healthy dose of Mother Culture. Take the time to train your family to spend time by themselves.  Start with 5 min a day and work your way up to an hour every single day (and that includes the weekends.  Trust me you and your husband will appreciate that hour…).
  2. Take time to read encouraging books and up-skill yourself as a home educator.  You can find my four favourite books for home educating mothers here.
  3. Set aside some time to really consider what you do in your homeschool.  Become familiar and comfortable with who you are and what is right for your home school and then remain true to yourself and your vision for your family.  Do not be swayed by the latest popular trend within the home educating community.
  4. Every six months take the time to reconsider your daily schedules or lack there of.  Your children and their needs are constantly changing as they grow and mature and as such you will need to adapt with them.  Read this post on Homeschool Daily Schedules for some thoughts to consider when doing this.
  5. Is it possible to keep a perfect home and home educate?  For some this is super easy and for others it will remain a challenge.  Take time to consider the season of life you are in and what you need to do to accomplish house cleaning and home educating.

Please remember there is no secret key to getting it all done perfectly all of the time.  The best gift you have is today.  Use your time wisely.  Enjoy your family.  Your children will be moving on to greater things in less time than you think.


A big thanks to Chareen at Every Bed of Roses for writing this article.

Meet some of this weeks participants in the 5 Days of Homeschool Encouragement Blog Hop

Jennifer @ Dear Homeschooler
Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory
Karen @ Tots and Me…Growing Up Together
Kelly @ Hope in the Chaos
Kellyann @ Walking Home …
Kristen @ A Mom’s Quest to Teach
Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break
Linda @ Apron Strings & other things

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