Safe Email for Kids Reviews

This article is in collaboration with KidsEmail.Org.

Technology is a huge part of today’s society and it’s a great way for kids to practice writing and to keep in touch with family and friends who live outside their homes. However, a common problem with email servers is Spam and inappropriate advertising that often ends up in any inbox.

Members of the crew were given the opportunity to review A one-year subscription to Kids Email Safe Email for Kids, a safe, secure way for kids to email grandparents, siblings, friends, and parents while being protected from profanity, predators, viruses, and spam.

Features included with all accounts include:

Mail Monitoring: Parents are able to receive a copy of all incoming/outgoing email sent to/from the child.

Time Restrictions: Choose to restrict the times of the day and days of the week that your child can log in.

Contact Manager: Add family members and friends to your child’s contact list as well as restrict emails to/from anyone not on the approved contact list.

No Ads: does not sell advertising space on their website, so there are no worries of inappropriate ads.

Spam Filters: Built-in spam filters assure that inappropriate spam emails will not be received in the child’s inbox.

Offensive Word Filter: Filter out all offensive words found in all incoming email.

Activity Log: Logs when your child logs in and when they attempt to log in during parent set restricted times. offers two different type of accounts. A Kids account offers multiple security options to keep them safe while learning how to use this valuable technological tool while a Teen option which offers settings for older users but still provides a secure email client.

You can find on the following social media sites:

A big thank you to Brenda from Counting Pinecones for writing this introductory article.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

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