Planet 316 Story Bible and Bible App Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Planet 316.

When it comes to sharing the Bible with our children we all desire for it to be written in language relevant to their age and give them better understanding of our Savior. Planet 316 and Worthy Kids/Ideals have definitely hit the nail on the head with the new story bible and accompanying app.

The Planet 316 Story Bible features over 100 stories taken from the Old and New Testaments. Each story is written in a child-friendly language without eliminating the original purpose of the text. The artwork used throughout is truly fascinating, colorful, and vibrant. The entire book is designed to keep your child interested from beginning to end.

But wait, there’s more!

Those cute illustrations aren’t just for show because this Bible also features the capability of augmented reality. Augmented reality provides a live view of the printed images throughout this bible. By using the Planet 316 Story Bible App on your tablet or phone, the characters and objects will spring up in 3D, with audio. Yes, the word will literally come to life right before your children’s eyes! Seeing and hearing all the characters adds even more fun to the stories.

Planet 316 and WorthyKids/Ideals have made it their mission to infuse faith and family values into all the products they offer. Over the years they have continuously made sharing the love of God fun with each item released. For several weeks now, The Homeschool Review Crew has had the opportunity to explore all the features offered by the Planet 316 Story Bible and the companion Planet 316 Story Bible App. The bible can be purchased on Amazon while the app is currently available for download via the Apple App Store and on Google Play.

Be sure to visit Planet 316 on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks to Ta’Neisha K. of Marriage, Motherhood, & Makeup for writing this introductory article.

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