Physics, Chemistry & Biology 101 Reviews

This article is in collaboration with The 101 Series.

There are so many different lifestyles for homeschool families.  Some enjoy full book work, while others use various media forms for each subject. Certainly, life is busy, and sometimes we could all use some extra help teaching.  Science is a subject that I love to use visual learning with.  Documentaries are great for bringing book work to life for both young and older students.   The 101 Series from Westfield Studios has created a high school science curriculum that teaches science with a Biblical viewpoint and has that visual learning element that I am always looking for.

The 101 Series science curriculum includes

  • Physics 101
  • Biology 101
  • Chemistry 101

Wes Olson, a veteran filmmaker, created this curriculum.  He takes your students through studying these scientific subjects, helping them untangle the mystery that high school science can become.  All courses include a full year of DVD instruction, as well as printable quizzes and course booklets.  The 101 Series was written for students ages 15 and up. All The 101 Series Science courses include a Course Accreditation Program booklet and are available in a PDF format for easy printout.

Physics 101 takes your student into a fascinating study of the principles and laws that drive God’s world.  They will look at not only God’s universe but Newton’s laws of the concepts behind quantum mechanics.

Chemistry 101  will take your student on a journey through the Periodic Table of Elements.  Instead of boring old chemistry, they will be taken on an exciting adventure and, even more important, will be able to understand this complicated subject.

Biology 101  takes your student from the starting point of God creating the world through all of his creations, including the human species and genetics.

A big thank you to Renita Kuehner of Krazy Kuehner Days for writing this introduction article.


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