Once-a-Week Studies Review

This article is in collaboration with Homeschool Legacy.

Take a detour with the Homeschool Review Crew and  in your homeschool curriculum and dive into some focused history subjects with Homeschool Legacy and their Once-a-Week Unit Studies and Once-a-Week Micro-Studies. Maybe you’ve been interested in Unit Studies but want don’t want to make them your whole homeschool curriculum? Or maybe you just want to dip your toe in and get a feel for what Unit Studies are all about. Either way Homeschool Legacy has some Once-a-Week Unit studies that you can slip right in to your homeschool schedule today!

Geared towards grades 2nd through 12th Homeschool Legacy’s Once-a-Week-Unit Studies require no prep work and are designed to be used once a week. Their Once-a-Week-Micro-Studies are geared towards grades 1 through 8 and provide in depth study on various subjects in only 30 minutes, 3 times a week.

Both unit studies are made to be used by the whole family and include a suggested family read-aloud.

Our Homeschool Review Crew recently spent some weeks digging in and test driving the following Unit Studies from Homeschool Legacy  for their latest review

Once-a-Week Unit Studies

Christmas Comes to America This study can be used from grades 1 – 12 and as you celebrate, your children will learn about the Dutch, German, and English settlers who first shared those traditions with the New World.

Once-a-Week Micro-Studies:

Once-a-Week Micro-Studies (Grades 1-8) offer the same great quality you have come to expect from Once-a-Week Unit Studies, but provide your children with a thorough understanding of the study topics in only three, 30-minute assignments each week!


  • Pirates or Privateers: You Decide – “This captivating 4-week study will take you on a centuries-old voyage where cutthroats and scoundrels and sometimes even heroes roved.”
  • Cooking up History with the Founding Presidents – “This lively, four-week micro-study will introduce your family to George and Martha Washington, John and Abigail Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James and Dolley Madison, while helping you get to know their personalities, as well as the history and politics of their times. In addition, your children will discover one of each of these four president’s favorite foods and will even learn how to make them!”
  • Victoria and Her World– ” Join Queen Victoria and her beloved Prince Albert as they demonstrate for you not only the life and times of the British monarchy”
  • Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims – “Celebrate the holidays with Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims! This informative six week micro-study will not only span the centuries, but the holidays as well!”
  • Many Nations – “Many Nations introduces your children to several of the Native American nations that called America home long before European settlers arrived.”

The Once-a-Week Unit Study is available in paperback form or as a digital download and the Once-a-Week Micro-Studies are available as a digital download.


Thank you to Kemi Quinn from Homemaking Organized for writing this introduction article.


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