This article is in collaboration with Musik at Home.
We have all heard about the amazing benefits of music on child development. Music can strengthen every area of child development as well as increasing skills and ability for intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. Music helps the body and the mind to work together, so surely exposing children to music in their early years of development is a major benefit to helping them learn so many things! What better way to do this than with Musik At Home!
Kathryn Brunner, licensed and certified instructor, with a passion for music literacy and child development, is on a mission to help families learn how to integrate music into their daily lives in simple and super fun ways! Bring structured music education into your home with developmentally sequenced classes helping you connect joyfully with your children and also growing their music literacy.

With Musik at Home, you can purchase videos individually, gift them, or obtain an annual or monthly membership which gives you access to over 400 interactive music classes, available anytime, anywhere. Designed for children from birth through age seven, you can choose from a variety of classes for various ages or even for your entire family!
These are a great way to include imaginative play in your day as you explore singing games and encourage exploration in nature. Dance with scarves, make music with rhythm sticks – the fun never ends with your little ones. There are items recommended for music play and you can purchase a kit or get creative and use what you have around the house.
This can be such a wonderful way to help younger children learn and appreciate music for themselves. You will all have so much fun as you learn about rhythms and beats; as you explore instruments and movement activities. Research shows music education if formatie and foundational to a child’s ability to learn and process information. As you include music more and more you will see your children developing in amazing ways.

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Start your free trial and brighten your child’s musical future!
Thank you to Jennifer King of A Peace of Mind for this introduction article.

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