Math Mammoth was created by Maria Miller, a homeschool mom with a degree in mathematics. The company offers multiple products to help parents teach math to their kids. Our Crew reviewers got to sample a number of these products for this review.
The Light Blue Series is their complete curriculum for grades 1-6. Most of the curriculum is aligned with the Common Core standards. Each grade level comes with two student worktexts as well as answer keys, tests, and reviews. The download version also includes an additional worksheet maker. The Light Blue series focuses on mastery learning, and emphasizes the use of mental math. It also includes a lot of visual models that students use to work out math problems. The download of the Light Blue series is $34.00 per grade level. The CD version, which contains the curriculum for grades 1-6 is $141.00, and the printed worktexts are available at prices ranging from $14.95-$17.95 depending on the grade level.
The Math Mammoth Blue Series are worktexts that focus on only a few specific topics. These books make a good supplement to any math program and can also be used for review or remediation. Some of the topics included in this series are: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, money, measurements, geometry, and fractions. Prices for the blue series vary from $2.00 to $7.00.
The Math Mammoth Golden Series are collections of worksheets for grades 3-8. They include about 120-150 worksheets per grade level. The books include worksheets on various topics covered at that grade level. Each sheet concentrates on one topic, and provides extra practice for your student. The Golden series is available for download and as a printed copy. Prices vary depending on which format you choose and how many books you purchase.
The Green Series are a series of worksheets that are topic specific and work for students in grades 3-8. Some of the topics for grade 3-6 include measuring, numbers & operations, and multiplication and division. The topics for grades 6-8 include ratios & proportions, statistics, and integers. The Green series is available for download for prices ranging from $2.00-$5.00 are also included in some packages with the Golden series.
The Make it Real Learning workbooks contain real life problem solving situations using math. The purpose of these books is to show students how math is genuinely useful in daily life. Workbooks are available for students in grades 3 through high school and can be used in small group settings. The books, written by math teacher Frank Wilson, will challenge students to use math concepts they already know to work through the problems. Some of the topics covered by these worktexts include fractions, arithmetic, geometry, linear functions, statistics, algebra, and calculus. The Making it Real series is sold in sets of 11 worktexts for $39.99.
Math Mammoth provides many useful math resources for homeschool families.
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