Greene Bark Press, Inc. is a family-owned company established in 1991 to publish books they feel are “original, colorful, imaginative” and promote the essential developmental skills of reading and language. In spite of the advance of technology and electronic devices, Greene Bark Press believes in the power of the printed book and the positive benefits of reading with and for children. They also offer products from other publishers and manufacturers who hold similar beliefs, like Melissa & Doug and International Playthings.
The Schoolhouse Crew has had the opportunity to review one of their sturdy board book titles geared for ages 3-8: Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again. It is written by llustrated by Rhett Ransom Pennell. With colorful illustrations and rhyming verse, the book tells the story of a little duck named Wally Waddlewater who wants to learn to cross the street safely on his own. It is intended to teach safety habits and traffic awareness.
Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again may be purchased for $8.50 plus shipping from the Greene Bark Press, Inc. website.
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