Books for the Holidays


The holidays are a wonderful time of the year to snuggle together with great books and create many memories.  The problem is how do we find and choose great books to create these happy holiday memories with our children?

Today the Homeschool Review Crew will be linking up and sharing their favorite books for the holiday season.  Some families have one book and read a chapter a day and others make a stack of books and read one a day.  Some families have a special book basket they read from only during the holiday season and others take time to choose 25 special books and wrap them individually and read one a day.  Other families make a special trip to the store to purchase a new book to read over the season.  The ideas and special books abound.

The Homeschool Review Crew will be inspiring us with their book recommendations for the holidays please grab a cup of something fun to drink and come and enjoy our family favorite books for:

  • Thanksgiving
  • Advent
  • Christmas
  • Hanukkah
  • New Year
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