Children in Church: Nurturing Hearts of Worship was written by Curt and Sandra Lovelace – international speakers, writers, and missionaries to the Czech Republic with Lifework Forum. The Lovelaces homeschooled their own children, who are now grown, and served on staff at L’Abri in Switzerland. They’ve served as missionaries in the Cayman Islands, worked in a small rural church in Maine, and led homeschool conferences in Bosnia. They have been married for 43 years. Their current mission, through Lifework Forum, is to provide support for homeschoolers internationally, missionaries, expats, and nationals. They currently live in Prague and minister to homeschoolers in Europe and Africa, using their vast experience to bless others.
Curt and Sandra have written Children in Church to share “a Biblical basis for bringing our children into worship, but more than that – practical help to make it not only survivable, but to help us teach our children to engage in the service and worship the Lord, too.” This book is for parents with children age 8 and younger.
A Cry From Egypt was written by Hope Auer and illustrated by Mike Slaton, both recent homeschool graduates themselves. Hope Auer has been writing stories and plays since she was very young. She began writing A Cry From Egypt, the first book in The Promised Land Series, as a school assignment when she was only thirteen and her family was studying ancient Egypt! This historical fiction book deals with the period before the Exodus, when the Israelites were still in slavery.
This book is for children age 8 and older.
Both books are being published by Hal and Melanie Young of

A big thank you to Debra Haagen of Note-able Scraps for writing this introductory article.
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